In July
Meeting Chaired by Prez Sonia
Guests: Dave Conyers
Speaker: Paula Cahill – Central West Women’s Health Centre
Wine Raffle: 2021 Pepper Tree Limited Release Chardonnay donated by Graham Tyson (“I have no idea where I got this from, I just found it in the cupboard.”). Won by Kate Bell (“oh…no, I can’t carry this to work. You have it Paula.”)
General Business: PDG Irene reported on the Saturday working bee at St Catherine’s. We processed around 80 beds for pickup and a number of chairs and auxiliary items. At an estimated cost of $5,000 this is easily a $40,000 project not including the transport costs borne by the developer.
PP Robert reminded us that Daybreak Delights is on this Saturday and all help is appreciated.
Prez Sonia let the club know we have only 4 boxes of biscuits left to sell and, if all are sold, profit to the club will be around $1000.
Graham Tyson volunteered for thee next Bathurst history talk in August.
Speaker: Paula gave an informative talk on the issues around domestic violence and its increasing prevalence. CWWHC runs a number of programs and support groups to address some of the trauma and issues experienced by victims of DV and their families. She spoke at length about the kinds of programs and interventions the Centre would run if they were to receive funding from the RCBD. She suggested funding would go towards specialist groups such as gardening, art workshops and walking groups as well as support for kids at school. All their programs include individual and group feedback and, to date, feedback from participants has been very positive. CWWHC works hard to partner with other support organisations whenever they can.
Guests: Dave Conyers
Speaker: Paula Cahill – Central West Women’s Health Centre
Wine Raffle: 2021 Pepper Tree Limited Release Chardonnay donated by Graham Tyson (“I have no idea where I got this from, I just found it in the cupboard.”). Won by Kate Bell (“oh…no, I can’t carry this to work. You have it Paula.”)
General Business: PDG Irene reported on the Saturday working bee at St Catherine’s. We processed around 80 beds for pickup and a number of chairs and auxiliary items. At an estimated cost of $5,000 this is easily a $40,000 project not including the transport costs borne by the developer.
PP Robert reminded us that Daybreak Delights is on this Saturday and all help is appreciated.
Prez Sonia let the club know we have only 4 boxes of biscuits left to sell and, if all are sold, profit to the club will be around $1000.
Graham Tyson volunteered for thee next Bathurst history talk in August.
Speaker: Paula gave an informative talk on the issues around domestic violence and its increasing prevalence. CWWHC runs a number of programs and support groups to address some of the trauma and issues experienced by victims of DV and their families. She spoke at length about the kinds of programs and interventions the Centre would run if they were to receive funding from the RCBD. She suggested funding would go towards specialist groups such as gardening, art workshops and walking groups as well as support for kids at school. All their programs include individual and group feedback and, to date, feedback from participants has been very positive. CWWHC works hard to partner with other support organisations whenever they can.